Resurgent Earth
Kelsey Chen, Nicolai Dorka, Bhumikorn Kongtaveelert, Lauren Marshall
November 2 - December 16, 2023
620 Kearny St.
Et al.
Opening reception: Thursday, November 2, 5:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Live performances will take place at 5:30 p.m., 6:30 p.m., and 7:30 p.m.
Performances will be approximately 15 minutes.
In a world fenced and flattened—systematically managed, calculated, disciplined by technocratic forms of governance that believe the generativity of the world to lie in its willingness to be produced; its openness to penetration; its frictionless instrumentalization—still the earth wells up, recalcitrant, excessive, spilling out of containment—incalculable—irreducible—impenetrable. Resurgent Earth is an observation of the insurgent movements of a spilling earth.
A collaboration between sapient crafts and the sheddings of a vital earth, Resurgent Earth is mattered not only in relation, but out of it. Relation is a dense materiality. The substrates of our relations are subtracted in this show into base notes: Scent, sight, sound, sculpture.
A riverbed. 360 silkworm cocoons. Eucalyptus detritus. 6-channel projection. Sounds gathered from a transatlantic flight. Geosmin. Vetiver. Algal biofilm. Resurgent Earth is a nomadic patchwork of decaying and growing beings-as-open-places-of-meeting, a sculptural sensory organ, an interpenetrated and co-constituted weave of many kinds of us—and many kinds of others.
Coinciding with Metaspore Symposium 2023: The Networked Sensorium, organized by Anicka Yi.