Rema Ghuloum
4 is a Rainbow Line
Mar 4 - Apr 8, 2023
2831 Mission St.

Reception Saturday, March 4th from 5-8pm

We shake with joy, we shake with grief.
What a time they have, these two
housed as they are in the same body.

Mary Oliver, We Shake With Joy, from ‘Evidence’.

Et al. is pleased to present 4 is a Rainbow Line, a solo show by Rema Ghuloum, our second solo show with the artist.

An index of color woven, translucent layers singing with and through each other; spectral stratum, a chorus of color. Rema’s work is heart-felt, joyous, devotional. The paintings sing.

There are spaces, often at the core of the canvas, where tones are entangled, vibrating together, flickering. While near the edge, daubs suggest something more than pure chance – the artists’s hand, brief/succinct decisions, breaths of fresh air, moments of release, the edges where our body meets another, a return to the world.