Laurie Reid
Up the stairs into the warm night, 2016
Oil on canvas
40 x 50 inches

Laurie Reid
Nutshell, 2016
Oil on canvas
36 x 48 inches

Laurie Reid
The light was clear and sunny, but with no heat in it, 2017
Oil on linen
48 x 36 inches

Laurie Reid
Until it shone in their imagination as a precious thing, 2017
Oil on linen
48 x 36 inches

Laurie Reid
She hid her delight in her glass of water, 2015
Oil on linen
24 x 18 inches

Laurie Reid
Calming the panic in his throat with a little dry bread, 2015
Oil on linen
24 x 18 inches

Laurie Reid
Little Sun, 2013
Oil on canvas
84 x 66 inches

Laurie Reid
The pull of his phenomenon, 2013
Oil on canvas
84 x 66 inches

Laurie Reid
Fertility, 2015
Oil on linen
24 x 18 inches

Installation view

Installation view

Installation view

Installation view

Installation view

Laurie Reid
Mr. and Mrs. Dalloway, 2017
Glazed stoneware
13 x 13 inches

Laurie Reid
She sucked in her breath, 2017
Glazed stoneware
30 x 30 inches

Laurie Reid
Not good with words, 2017
Glazed stoneware
30 x 30 inches

Laurie Reid
Not good with words, 2017
Glazed stoneware
30 x 30 inches

Installation view

Installation view

Laurie Reid
Superheaviest, 2014
Watercolor on paper
10.25 x 7 inches

Laurie Reid
Your sensitivity to the inner man, 2014
Watercolor on paper
22 x 30 inches

Installation view
Et al. etc. presents
Laurie Reid
Curated by Juana Berrío
March 11 - April 15, 2017
Reception: Saturday, March 11, 5:00 - 8:00 p.m.
"Oh, God, I could be bounded in a nutshell and count myself a king of infinite space, where it not that I have bad dreams."
- Shakespeare, Hamlet II.ii
Et al. etc. is pleased to present Nutshell, a solo exhibition by Laurie Reid, curated by Juana Berrío. Laurie and Juana have been in conversation for the past few weeks. Some of the words and ideas they have exchanged include thicket, around the corner, yellow, neighbor's backyard, upstairs, weaving the smell of it, transparent, twenty some chrysalises, what's the name of this clay?