Exposed to All the Ruins
Kristen Wong, Aysia Steib, Dane Manary, Mark Ochinero, Jasmine Zhang, and Laura Kiernan
Florists: Olive Couri, Pearl, Saint Flora, Veronica Llave
jane galerie x Et al.
January 20 - February 24 2024
Opening January 20th, 5:30-8:30pm
Cantora Nocturna (Night Singer)
By Alejandra Pizarnik (translation by Emily Cole)
The dead woman who died from her blue dress is singing.
She sings drunk on death to the sun of her intoxication.
Within her song there is a blue dress,
there is a white horse, there is a green heart
tattooed with the echoes of her dead heartbeats.
Exposed to all of the ruins,
she sings with a lost girl
that is the woman: her amulet of good luck.
And despite the green mist on her lips
and the cold grey in her eyes,
her voice corrodes the distance that opens
between thirst and the hand that looks for the glass.
She sings.
Kristen Wong, would you trust a flower that bloomed in a darkened room?, 2023