Alter-Circuit: Virlani Hallberg
September 25 - December 6, 2013
Opening reception: Wednesday, September 25, 7:00-10:00 pm
Alter-Circuit: Virlani Hallberg features the single-channel video Receding Triangular Square (RTS) (2012), a collaboration between the artist and the psychoanalyst and cultural theorist Leon Tan. RTS explores philosophies and practices of healing in Taiwan that are alternative to the dominant Euro-American psychiatric and psychotherapeutic paradigms. Through a juxtaposition of Daoist rituals, traditional healing methods, and Western-style psychiatry, RTS looks into the history of colonization and modernization in Taiwan and questions the universality and rationality of scientific truth. Forms of displacement and alienation are experienced not only as mental despair and illness, but also on a historical scale through the long-lasting destruction of culture in the modern world.
Alter-Circuit: Virlani Hallberg inaugurates a long-term collaboration between ACAC and Et. al. Focusing on diasporic practices, particularly those coming into conflict and contact with Asia, Alter-Circuit works closely with an individual artist over a period of time. Through durational endeavors, Alter-Circuit draws paths into and out of the artist’s practice while other collaborators, including curators, writers, publishers, scholars, and art communities, are invited to participate in the conversations.
Alter-Circuit: Virlani Hallberg will continue with the artist’s presence in San Francisco later this year for a series of public programs. During that time, it will have a life online as a blog to expand the topics and widen both the audience and the circle of participants.
Alter-Circuit is conceived and curated by Xiaoyu Weng, Aaron Harbour, and Jackie Im.
For more information on Asian Contemporary Arts Week, visit the website.
For more information on Asian Contemporary Arts Consortium, visit their website.